Monday, September 13, 2010

this is a random post about...

1.Little Leaf Diapers. I, myself, am not into cloth diapering. Just can't do it. I know, I know"it's so much cleaner, and easier, and better, and blady-blah than it used to be." Still just can't do it. Call me a tree-hater, I suppose. However, I have heard from peeps who use this brand (designed and made by friend Jen Dekorte), they are a great design and work wonderfully. .
BUT...I do love these burp cloths, and since Jetta happens to be a spitter (awe.some), I needed some! Don't you love the fabrics?! These are stock fabrics, but you can choose your own too!

2. Decorating. Fall is coming, and I've decided to take down my "spring" decor (hey, it was summery enough that I got two seasons out of it). Here's my dining room table...

3. Piper, my sister's 6 month old daughter. Just.Adorable! Aimee took some really cute pics of her the other day and here is one of my fav's!


jess said...

I LOVE Jen DeKorte's burb cute!

Unknown said...

Well, Jess, I need someone to have a baby so I can buy them as a gift!! HINT HINT :)

Jami Nato said...

that little platypus is a ham!

Unknown said...

...and not just a ham for attention! You should see her thighs!