Saturday, April 26, 2008

It's been awhile since i have written anything! Gentry and I were out of town last week. It may have been one of the most "challenging vacations" (vacation...yeah, right) I have ever taken. I knew my trip was doomed when Gentry puked all over herself on the way to the airport! Ten ounces of curdled whole milk, do I need to explain how nasty it was. We couldn't pull over to clean things up, because we were already running late! So i jumped in the back with 3 napkins and a travel pack of wipes! That's all I have to say about that.
The rest of the trip was just about as relaxing as the trip to the airport. Gentry was recovering from some bug she picked up. She was whiney and clingy for the first 4 days of our trip*(*note, our trip was 5 days long). The only break I got was while she was napping. At least she napped and slept great at night.
Needless to say, it wasn't the best trip. BUT, I got to spend time with 2 of my best friends from high school/college. They each have kids as well, so it was fun having them all together. It's awesome that we have stayed great friends all these years despite different life journey's.
Would I ever do it again, you ask. DUH, of course I would!!!!!

This picture perfectly depicts Gentry's mood the entire first 4 days of our trip!
Passy is held sacred for naps and night time only. But I was grasping for anything by day 2!

I think she was sick of me taking pictures of her being crabby!

1 comment:

emily anderson said...

that first picture of gentry is so funny!
ugh, sorry it was hard for you...but glad you could come!!

how are you feeling??